Now is the perfect time to stockpile.... content.

Chunking. Ever heard of it? 

It’s the act of creating a ton of content at once and spreading that content out over a period of weeks, months or even years…

The chunking concept really hits at the core of content strategy, because preparing in advance is just good business. And sitting on a fully fleshed out body of content is just plain empowering.

As the curve flattens, the content pool fattens.

With the world on hold while we band together to flatten the curve, what better time to start chunking out content than during an unprecedented period of government mandated self isolation?

I’m not trying to make light of what’s happening on the planet right now… And it’s still really strange to type the word planet (eek), but that’s what this is, right? The entire planet Earth is under siege……. By something we can’t see, smell or touch. And we’re just waiting it out.

But guess what people… the one thing that this virus can’t stop us from doing is creating.


Everyone has an art form. My art form is writing. 

Writing is how I express myself. It’s how I get ideas out of my mind. It’s how I market my business… But writing is not the whole kit and caboodle. It’s not even the core of my business offering. It’s just a part of it.

Normally, I try to write a blog post once a week. I plan my topics out in advance, but I don’t actually write the posts in advance, because…. Life, clients… and oh, it’s just me here!

Bulk up your supply so you can breathe easy later.

Each week that goes by, I find myself wishing I had a bag full of content just sitting there on my desk with a fully formed blog post just waiting to be pulled out and posted on the feed.

Sadly, this has not been the case…. At least not YET.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be chunking content… Just like a squirrel stashes away tons of earthy snacks as it prepares for a long winter indoors… I’ll be filling my blog post folder on Google drive with a stash of fresh content to drip out to my audience over time.

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I challenge you to a chunk-off.

Are you a writer? Designer? Photographer? Podcast producer? Maybe you’re a creator on the side, in your spare time… And that’s so perfect! Because now your hobby can take the front seat for awhile… maybe a couple extra hours per day. And maybe you can stockpile enough great content to market your talents on autopilot for six months (while you’re back at your deskjob…) 

Think about it. 

Now stop thinking.

And start doing.